Rigueur, professionnalisme et transparence à votre service.
INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: The liberalization of the financial and monetary markets leads to relativism and subjectivity which go beyond local, cultural limits and traditions. In this context we are committed to resort to a Modus Operandi inspired by international standardization while complying with
DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The principles of absolute confidentiality and absolute discretion are present in our management policy of sensitive information and data which are the exclusive property of our clients.
FREE COMPETITION: We consider our relations with our competitors to be an opportunity of confrontation, self-analysis, valorization and evolution. We consider open competition as a source of inspiration and permanent search of optimizing not only human efficiency by improving working environment but also by enhancing the quality of the service we provide to our customers as well as to their own clients.
TRANSPARENCY, RIGOR AND FAIRNESS: We hold the principles of transparency, rigour and fairness as being essential in our company’s relations with its clients in its role as an intermediary in the management of financial flows and services in the interest of our business partners. It must be stressed that we firmly reject any attempt of disrupting this balance and we deter any form of wrongdoing. We require that the work of our partners and / or suppliers be performed only for the best service and best finished product. This constitutes evidence of their competence in the context of accountability for those who have been retained.
WORKING ENVIRONMENT: We are very attentive to the work environment which for us must be stimulating, healthy and enjoyable to foster satisfying productive work. These principles apply within our structure and externally with our professional partners.